Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I Am Not Responsible For This!

Just when I think my job couldn't get any crazier. . . Here are some completely random things my students have said.

1) "Look! It's (child's name)! She not dead!!" 3 years old

2) "(Child's name) goes to Chinese class. That's why she speaks ni hao language." 4 years old.

3) "Sometimes my mom lets me help shave my dad's back!" 4 years old.

4) "My dad is the king and my mom is the queen. So that makes me the princess. You can bow." 3 years old

5) "My daddy said kids make hair turn gray. Is that what happen to yours?" 3 years old

6) "My daddy can pee really far away cuz his pe**s is really long!" 4 year old

7) "My mommy feeds my daddy like a baby." 3 years old

8) "My favorite underwear of my mommy is the purple ones. They look pretty when she wears them" 3 years old

And on the topic of underwear, let's not overlook the 3 year old boy that wore his mother's red lace thong to school because "they feel good".

Kids are a lot more observant than most people give them credit for. So, if you have kids, be aware. . . They do share!!

Bitter Old Bi**h!

Yep! That's me. I gotta say. . . . I am beyond sick and tired of this deadbeat dad! Two years ago, the courts ordered my daughter's father to pay child support after he decided to walk away from her at 12 years of age. Was I glad he walked away? Yes, very glad. He was verbally, mentally, and physically abusive to my daughter and it took 12 years to get the courts to see it. She was suicidal and in therapy. I now have full physical and legal custody, and he has zero visitation. Therefore, the courts decided it was fair for him to pay child support. He has managed to work (occasionally) and pay some of it here and there. Never consistently and never in full. I have not hounded him for it, or pushed the state to seek further actions to enforce the order. I would be happy if he just paid half of it! And, no, it's not thousands of dollars a month. It's just a few hundred. Long story short, he hadn't paid anything since September 2015. Just this week I received an email informing me there has been a payment posted to my account. I logged in to look at it. It was for $1.26. Really!?!?! Come on!! 

As of March first, he will owe over $4000 and at this point, child support services can go for it. They will intercept his refund, suspend his license, freeze his bank account, and the list of things they can do to collect goes on and gets more disturbing. I do not rely on his support and whatever we get goes directly to my child (clothes, extra curricular lessons, savings account, etc). 

Moral of the story: If you are ordered to pay child support, it's because you have a responsibility to help pay for the upbringing of YOUR child. And, whether you see that child or not, they still exist! AND. . . If you choose not to pay it, don't come crying to me when the state nails your a**!!

Ok. . . I'm done. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Sleeping The 80's Away!

I all but lost my mind last night. All I really wanted to do was go to sleep.  But oh no!! My brain had other ideas. For some insanely demented reason, it wanted to revisit all the things I could remember from the 80's. Now, because I was mentally self entertained last night, you get to be tortured today! Here it is! The most random list of 80's crap I could remember!!!

1) My Commodor 64 computer. I paid for it all by myself. I believe I paid somewhere around $400 for the whole system. I spent hours playing Indiana Jones and Ghostbusters. 
2) Videopolis at Disneyland. Like OMG!! They had the hottest live bands in the afternoons belting out songs from rockin bands like Duran Duran and The Pet Shop Boys. Many hours were spent clicking away photos on my Kodak camera that took 110 film! 
3) Cable tv!! We thought we were the most awesome folks on the block because we had "ON" tv. All you had to do was switch the tv to channel 3 and turn the dial on the cable box to "on". Some people had "Select" tv. They had several cable channels. Super fancy!
4) Cassette tapes and recording songs from the radio. I cannot even begin to tell you how many cassttes were handed out to boyfriends with amazing songs like "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany and "Push It" by Salt N Pepa. 
5) My first telephone . . . on my own phone line! The phone was puckered lips in a brilliant red. Best of all . . .It was touch tone dialing!! Not rotary!! 
6) And let's not overlook probably the most significant part of who I was in the 80's. I was the poster child for AquaNet Hairspray! I am pretty sure a large portion of the damage in the ozone layer is personally my fault. For your viewing pleasure, I am adding a picture of my short flag squad from high school. I am in the front (center) left side with my flag pointed at the logo with the dancing girl on the US map. Look hard and you can get a good giggle on how high my bangs were. Keep in mind, the picture was taken on a low bangs day! Yikes!!!

So there you go. This is only a small amount of what plagued my brain last night. Hopefully you got a good giggle from it! I know I did! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy Friday!!

As I was rushing to finish straightening my hair, it dawned on me how much I enjoy Friday's. Well, why shouldn't I? It's the end of the workweek. I have two days off from work. How could things get any better? And then… I thought about it a little more. And I realized exactly how much stock I put into waiting for Friday every week. To listen to my brain think about Friday's, it makes me sound very ungrateful and selfish.  Let me tell you, I really think I need to change my way of thinking about the workweek. I have to ask myself these basic questions. Did I wake up this morning? Was I able to get out of bed and walk with my own two legs? Am I healthy? Is my family healthy? Do I have a job? Do I have food? Do I have a house to live in? I could go on for days with these questions but I think you get the point. I may not like my job, but it pays the bills. I am sure you've all heard that saying "I may not have everything I want, but I have everything I need". That couldn't be more true. Sometimes, it seems like life is rough and nothing we do makes us happy. Just remember and think about it. Do you have everything you need? If that doesn't work and you are convinced your life is still going wrong every time you turn around, then just keep in mind. Someday this will all be a memory. Things do and will get better. Keep your chin up! Happy Friday!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


My brain has been all consumed by my boobs today. Get ready to get personal and probably TMI. I am really large busted and I gotta say I am so sick of the hazards caused by my chest! If something falls into my shirt, I can guarantee I won't find it again for hours! I especially hate when food falls in. It's like having a built in snack machine!! No. . . I don't really eat it. My boobs also serve as a shelf and catch all. I could probably put a drink on my boobs and it would be perfectly fine. It also catches soup. I don't know what is about soup, but it just has to drip and live on my boob. It is so annoying! Not to mention they are a total work hazard! My younger students and the toddlers have a habit of using them as hand rests. And bras! Oh my hell!! Since I had my daughter, my boobs look like pancakes with bugged out eyes. Therefore, a push up bra is required by state (of my mind) law. The only good thing about the bra is there is so much padding, I could be freezing to death and no one would ever know! Other than that, the padding is like having a whole extra boob in each cup. I will never ever see my feet while I'm dressed. Plus, the padding shoves my boobs up so high, I feel like they are right under my chin . . . Literally. I could put my head down and rest my chin on my cleavage! I totally envy people with B & C cups! Well. . . This whole thing makes me sound absolutely nuts, but I hope someone out there can relate to my issue!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Quick Thought For The Night

I have some really interesting little characters in my preschool classroom. Some days, they are all adorable and I love them. Some days I wonder why I continue to work this job and count my new gray hairs. I have one little girl in particular. She is three and quite the spitfire! He favorite thing in the world is to stomp her foot and scream "NO!" at me. This is usually accompanied by a full blown tantrum. This week, she has decided I am ok and she likes me. But I am thinking I should be scared. Today she silently gets up from her nap mat, comes over to me, tilts her head down while looking up at me (like a demon from "Supernatural") and says "you didn't say bless you". At first I wasn't sure I heard her correctly. I asked her to repeat it. "You didn't say bless you."  She hadn't sneezed or done anything to warrant a "bless you". She had been just laying quietly on her mat. I responded with "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you sneeze". She glared harder and said "say bless you". I almost burst out laughing because she just looked so evil. I then said "bless you" and she turned around, walked back to her nap mat, and laid down. I guess I should consider myself lucky she didn't spontaneously combust into a ball of flames when I said "bless you". Lol!!

You Can't Fix Bitter!!

Super sad news yesterday. The mother of one of my coworkers passed away. It was not sudden or unexpected. She was very sick and they knew the time was coming. Here's the problem. This lady was not close to her mother at all. In fact, she told me she hated her and could wait for her to die. That is just sad in itself.  When she told me this, I tried to reason with her. I asked her if she could put her issues aside and just try to make her mother's last days peaceful. After all, this woman/mother wasn't a horrible person, she just wasn't as supportive as the co-worker would have liked her to be. The answer was a definite no. It was only about a week until I walked into work and heard the mother was in a coma and on life support. The co-worker was in her classroom. All of a sudden, as soon as people started to arrive for work, my coworker burst into hysterical fits of tears. Completely distraught over her mother's impending demise. She quickly arranged for someone to cover her classroom and left as quickly as she could. The next day, her mother passed.

Here is where my brain bubble is stuck. Maybe it's just me, but is it too much to ask someone to put their feelings aside when a family member they Little or no relationship with is terminally ill? Those visits before passing are the last times they would see them in has life time. I totally get it, if the person was a major abuser, then of course, there may be no hope there. But, because of an argument or hard feelings brought on during childhood, can they not be put aside or even forgiven? Maybe I am too forgiving? What do you think?

UPDATE: The coworker has returned to work this morning. Her mother just passed yesterday. And here she is. . . Just smiling and enjoying her morning, as if nothing happened. I conveyed my condolences to her. She shrugged it off. I don't get it! Maybe it's me??? Yea. . . It has to be just me. 🤔

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Only A Dirty Mind. . . .

Would find adult shapes in something as innocent as an animal cracker. Really though. . . Look at the picture! Am I really the only one that sees it??!!

Flip it over and it's a cute little elephant! Now for the questions. Did the animal cracker people make it look like a ***** on purpose?? And the even harder question. What is wrong with me that I see that shape in a child's animal cracker. Yikes!

Yep. . . I've got problems.

Scary Stuff!

Good morning!! I am pretty sure, somewhere, there is name for the way my brain works. . . Or doesn't work. I feel like it has more epiphanies and mood swings than a swinging door. So this blog will be dedicated to my many completely and totally random thought bubbles that occasionally burst out of my mouth. Anyone who knows me is aware that the path from my thought process to my mouth is really really short. Am I offensive? Sometimes. So make a mental note, I am not trying to offend or hurt anyone with my entries. With that being said, feel free to follow along my journey of trying to stay sane and not give in to the American Horror Story like scenario in my head!