Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bitter Old Bi**h!

Yep! That's me. I gotta say. . . . I am beyond sick and tired of this deadbeat dad! Two years ago, the courts ordered my daughter's father to pay child support after he decided to walk away from her at 12 years of age. Was I glad he walked away? Yes, very glad. He was verbally, mentally, and physically abusive to my daughter and it took 12 years to get the courts to see it. She was suicidal and in therapy. I now have full physical and legal custody, and he has zero visitation. Therefore, the courts decided it was fair for him to pay child support. He has managed to work (occasionally) and pay some of it here and there. Never consistently and never in full. I have not hounded him for it, or pushed the state to seek further actions to enforce the order. I would be happy if he just paid half of it! And, no, it's not thousands of dollars a month. It's just a few hundred. Long story short, he hadn't paid anything since September 2015. Just this week I received an email informing me there has been a payment posted to my account. I logged in to look at it. It was for $1.26. Really!?!?! Come on!! 

As of March first, he will owe over $4000 and at this point, child support services can go for it. They will intercept his refund, suspend his license, freeze his bank account, and the list of things they can do to collect goes on and gets more disturbing. I do not rely on his support and whatever we get goes directly to my child (clothes, extra curricular lessons, savings account, etc). 

Moral of the story: If you are ordered to pay child support, it's because you have a responsibility to help pay for the upbringing of YOUR child. And, whether you see that child or not, they still exist! AND. . . If you choose not to pay it, don't come crying to me when the state nails your a**!!

Ok. . . I'm done. 

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