Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You Can't Fix Bitter!!

Super sad news yesterday. The mother of one of my coworkers passed away. It was not sudden or unexpected. She was very sick and they knew the time was coming. Here's the problem. This lady was not close to her mother at all. In fact, she told me she hated her and could wait for her to die. That is just sad in itself.  When she told me this, I tried to reason with her. I asked her if she could put her issues aside and just try to make her mother's last days peaceful. After all, this woman/mother wasn't a horrible person, she just wasn't as supportive as the co-worker would have liked her to be. The answer was a definite no. It was only about a week until I walked into work and heard the mother was in a coma and on life support. The co-worker was in her classroom. All of a sudden, as soon as people started to arrive for work, my coworker burst into hysterical fits of tears. Completely distraught over her mother's impending demise. She quickly arranged for someone to cover her classroom and left as quickly as she could. The next day, her mother passed.

Here is where my brain bubble is stuck. Maybe it's just me, but is it too much to ask someone to put their feelings aside when a family member they Little or no relationship with is terminally ill? Those visits before passing are the last times they would see them in has life time. I totally get it, if the person was a major abuser, then of course, there may be no hope there. But, because of an argument or hard feelings brought on during childhood, can they not be put aside or even forgiven? Maybe I am too forgiving? What do you think?

UPDATE: The coworker has returned to work this morning. Her mother just passed yesterday. And here she is. . . Just smiling and enjoying her morning, as if nothing happened. I conveyed my condolences to her. She shrugged it off. I don't get it! Maybe it's me??? Yea. . . It has to be just me. 🤔

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