Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Quick Thought For The Night

I have some really interesting little characters in my preschool classroom. Some days, they are all adorable and I love them. Some days I wonder why I continue to work this job and count my new gray hairs. I have one little girl in particular. She is three and quite the spitfire! He favorite thing in the world is to stomp her foot and scream "NO!" at me. This is usually accompanied by a full blown tantrum. This week, she has decided I am ok and she likes me. But I am thinking I should be scared. Today she silently gets up from her nap mat, comes over to me, tilts her head down while looking up at me (like a demon from "Supernatural") and says "you didn't say bless you". At first I wasn't sure I heard her correctly. I asked her to repeat it. "You didn't say bless you."  She hadn't sneezed or done anything to warrant a "bless you". She had been just laying quietly on her mat. I responded with "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you sneeze". She glared harder and said "say bless you". I almost burst out laughing because she just looked so evil. I then said "bless you" and she turned around, walked back to her nap mat, and laid down. I guess I should consider myself lucky she didn't spontaneously combust into a ball of flames when I said "bless you". Lol!!

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