Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy Friday!!

As I was rushing to finish straightening my hair, it dawned on me how much I enjoy Friday's. Well, why shouldn't I? It's the end of the workweek. I have two days off from work. How could things get any better? And then… I thought about it a little more. And I realized exactly how much stock I put into waiting for Friday every week. To listen to my brain think about Friday's, it makes me sound very ungrateful and selfish.  Let me tell you, I really think I need to change my way of thinking about the workweek. I have to ask myself these basic questions. Did I wake up this morning? Was I able to get out of bed and walk with my own two legs? Am I healthy? Is my family healthy? Do I have a job? Do I have food? Do I have a house to live in? I could go on for days with these questions but I think you get the point. I may not like my job, but it pays the bills. I am sure you've all heard that saying "I may not have everything I want, but I have everything I need". That couldn't be more true. Sometimes, it seems like life is rough and nothing we do makes us happy. Just remember and think about it. Do you have everything you need? If that doesn't work and you are convinced your life is still going wrong every time you turn around, then just keep in mind. Someday this will all be a memory. Things do and will get better. Keep your chin up! Happy Friday!!

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